

I dedicate this blog to gather and share fictional logos mainly from movies. As a graphic designer and science fiction movies lover i find many of them very innovative. Fauxgo was a term coined by designer Tim Armstrong as “symbol or design detail created to represent a fiction company or organization that only exists in movies”. Armstrong affirms that a good ‘Fauxgo’ can help improve the credibility of a movie and become the icon of a movie.

I greatly surprised that some of these logos have jumped to the real world as companies or are inspiration for people to create their own companies or design new logos as you will note in posts.

Due the Armstrong’s fauxgo site is no longer available online i decided to relieve him and share my compilation with you! Feel free to comment about the movies, the companies or about the logos. You can also contribute by mentioning old or new companies in movies or TV series. Thanks for reading ^ _ ^.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The First Order

Featured in: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)

The First Order, also known as the Order, was a military junta that controlled vast areas of the galaxy's Unknown Regions during the New Republic Era, and ultimately became the dominant galactic government upon launching a war of conquest in year 34 ABY.

Formed from the remnants of the Galactic Empire, the First Order took steps to gradually reclaim the lost Imperial legacy, building new fleets and armies in defiance of the Galactic Concordance while hidden away from the New Republic in the Unknown Regions. During its rise to power, the First Order was governed under the absolute rule of Supreme Leader Snoke, who presided over its expansionist agenda.


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